Previous Edition 8: Vic BikePaths & RailTrails guide vbp_8

Last chance to snap up a copy of this handy, take anywhere pocket size, spiral bound BikePaths & RailTrails Guide (eighth edition) that’s over 200 pages which is 50% bigger than before.
It features 80 new and fully revised maps, exciting new touring and ride2work chapters, has the new Port Fairy and Rutherglen rail trails and the O’Shannassay Aqueduct trail, the top cycling and pram walk parks and heaps more.
There are more than 40 fully revised metro maps covering Melbourne’s fabulous network of paths, cafes, bike shops and parks!
The guide Was $24.95 but with our 62 % OFF IS NOW ONLY $9.45 plus PACKING AND postage $5.95.
Victorian BikePaths & RailTrails Guide (eighth edition) published by Sabey & Associates
ISBN 9 780957 959132
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